Business Friendly States: Missouri in Profile

Companies of all shapes and sizes have seen firsthand the opportunities that are available to them when choosing to start and grow their business in Missouri. College attainment within Missouri is steady at 26.4 percent while the cost of doing business is a whopping 7.5 percent below the national average.
Business owners have reportedly taken notice of the better transportation and commute options that have been implemented recently. These factors have provided business owners with the ability to live in more desired communities outside of the metropolitan areas while not having to worry about heavy traffic that can slow them down throughout their day, while also making it easier for cliental to visit these business locations as well.
Employment and Education in Missouri
There are a number of excellent educational facilities located throughout the state including Columbia College, Global University, Harris-Stowe State University, the Kansas City Art Institute, and Lincoln University to name a few. These fine insitututions are working with local businesses in their area to create hands on training programs that put their students in the workplace and give them real life job experience. Businesses are finding that these programs are greatly beneficial to gaining highly educated employees as they join the workforce.
Focusing on employment and residential retention, the state of Missouri offers implement incentive programs to companies that will hire these graduates. Research and development grants, as well as a wide range of tax incentives are in place to businesses that make a move to take leadership roles in the state. Examples of these tax incentive programs are the Rebuilding Communities Tax Credit Program, Quality Jobs Program, Small Business Incubator Tax Credit Program, Loan Guarantee Fee Tax Credit Program, Business Facilities Tax Credit Program, Chapter 353 Tax Abatement, and Enhanced Enterprise Zone Incentive Program that are currently available. These programs are making it possible to reduce the amount of tax debt that businesses incur.
Working and Living in Missouri
Missouri has one of the most relaxed settings when compared to surrounding states. Residents enjoy a natural serenity that is available in the countryside with natural streams, rivers, lakes, mountains, and other sites which provide enjoyable living environment. Public services such as libraries, road services, museums, and other such amenities are plentiful throughout the state. Metropolitan areas including Springfield, St. Louis, Kansas City, Joplin, Jefferson City, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Columbia, and Fayetteville have proven that they have the ability to sustain the majority of business entities that locate to Missouri. There is plenty of real estate space throughout these cities for businesses of all shapes and sizes to find prime settings to begin their company.
The cost of residential and commercial real estate in Missouri is lower than many other states. You will find that the median household income is slightly lower than $45,000 a year. Private major employers including Ford Motor Company, hallmark Marketing Corporation, Anheuser-Busch Company, University of Missouri, St. Louis University, St. John's Hospital, Cerner Corporation, Wells Fargo Advisors, Corizon Health, H & R Block, and Barnes Jewish Hospital are just a few that are taking advantages of the opportunities available to them throughout Missouri.